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Writer's pictureTiffany M.

Tony Lucca- Adventures in Storytelling

When first meeting Tony Lucca, he is this quietly unassuming guy with glasses and a smile. When he begins to play his guitar and he finally starts to sing it is obvious he is anything but typical. With his quiet tones and soulful voice and ability to make any song his own and bring the audience on an adventure in storytelling with all eyes on him, it is a quick realization that this guy has the it factor.

In the early years Tony was on the Mickey Mouse club with Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears. After a brief stint as an actor and model he began to sing at bars in the Los Angeles area. He did eventually audition for The Voice and this is where Tony was chosen to be a part of Team Adam (Adam Levine) and he came in third place. When asked what advice and words of wisdom, that he has received in his life, that has made such an impact on him that he would tell someone else in that same situation, he gives credit to his Voice Coach.

“I've played things pretty safe for the most part, and, looking back, I might have benefited from taking more risks, creatively speaking. While I was on "The Voice," Adam Levine broke it down quite simply for me when he said, "If it doesn't make you at least SOMEwhat uncomfortable, it's probably not worth doing." I often take that into account now when I feel myself getting too cozy or complacent“.

In keeping with no complacency, it was in 2013 when he decided to move his family to Nashville. Tony has said that made him appreciate the connections he made in the music business. He said it was the first time that when someone said they had your back, they meant it.

When I asked Tony about the differences between the California and the Nashville music scene and how they influenced him he was candid as always.

“They're like cousins to me: a lot in common with plenty to differentiate them from each other. LA is a young man's town; it's a rich man's town. If you fall anywhere in between, it's probably not your town. Whereas I call Nashville the married man's Vegas. Plenty to do, even some trouble to get in if you're hellbent on finding it. Otherwise, folks got songs to write in the morning. Nashville is a long game kind of town. Things take time, and I've come to appreciate that”.

Tony is very unconventional and he has a very special and unique bond with his fans. They get to be part of the decisions of the albums and what songs are added. They are a fiercely loyal group. They have always come through for Tony when it comes to Kickstarters for record funding and Concert Windows where fans can tip virtually and request songs.

When asked why he allows his fans to be such a big part in all of his decisions in music he proudly answered.

“I don't know. At some point, I finally figured out that my fans are precisely what have kept me from having to get a day job all these years. They've supported me in my endless pursuit to find success. What if, instead of playing it all too cool and whatnot, I simply turned to face them, to look them straight in the eye and demonstrate a greater sense of gratitude by including them in on the process as much as possible? It's been tremendously rewarding, humbling, and gratifying. Not to mention a ton of fun.”

Tony Lucca has been in this business since he was a child. He hasn’t allowed the business to jade him or bully him around and has always done it his way. His songwriting abilities are second only to his vocal abilities. He is still the quietly unassuming guy with the glasses sitting vulnerable on the stage with either the piano or guitar in front of him. He puts his heart and soul in to every performance no matter where he is playing. Whether it is a house show, a writer’s round or a sold out venue in Georgia.

So many artists would be disheartened after doing this so long but not Tony. So many artists find it

easier to just give up after trying for so long, what was the driving force for him to keep going all these years and what would he say to someone on the brink of quitting the business?

“Well, I suppose you get to a point when you realize there really is no back-up plan. No plan B. That this is what you're here to do, to some varying degree of success or another. I guess I just tried to keep an eye on expectations, not get too worked up one way or the other. Truth is, no matter where you're wanting to go music ends up leading you, you either take to enjoying the journey or you end up always wanting. I'm merely enjoying the journey.”

We are enjoying it also Tony.

Follow Tony Lucca on all social media Facebook Instagram: YouTube: Tony Lucca

His new album Ain’t no Storm in out on all music platforms.

You can purchase the new album on his website Check out his performance of Restless Heart Photo credits Ernie Halter

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